




Place your neironet units correctly to get the ball to the end point. The ball needs to be the color of the arrows to be redirected. There are also color changers and color mixers. Play Neironet game online on your mobile phone, tablet or computer.

How To Play

Click on the NeiroNet units to pick them up. Click again to place them in the location of your choice.

Rating: 5 / 5

Platform: FLASH


Place your neironet units correctly to get the ball to the end point. The ball needs to be the color of the arrows to be redirected. There are also color changers and color mixers. Play Neironet game online on your mobile phone, tablet or computer.

How To Play

Click on the NeiroNet units to pick them up. Click again to place them in the location of your choice.

Rating: 5 / 5

Platform: FLASH