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The Mad Scientist

Superman The Mad Scientist is the first in the series of seventeen animated Technicolor short films.

Mechanical Monster

A mad scientist unleashes robots to rob banks and loot museums. Superman saves the day.

Billion Dollar Limited

Billion Dollar Limited centers around a train carrying one billion dollars in gold to the US mint, which is sabotaged by robbers.

Arctic Giant

The story covers Superman's adventures defeating a Godzilla-like monster that terrorizes the city.

The Bulleteers

Superman defends the city against a villainous gang called "The Bulleteers", who are equipped with a bullet-shaped rocket car.

The Magnetic Telescope

Superman saves the town from a comet drawn toward earth by a magnetic telescope.


Superman saves a small island community from a volcanic eruption.

Electric Earthquake

Superman stops a madman from destroying Manhattan with electronically induced earthquakes.

Terror on the Midway

Superman attempts to stop the chaos created when several circus animals escape their cages and restraints, including a giant ape.