The Fun Place to Learn!


Link To Us


     Do you think visitors to your website would enjoy coming to as well?  Then help spread the word about by linking your website to ours!  We have several linking options available.  It's easy to put our logo and a link on your Web page.  Here's how:

Just paste the following HTML text into your page:



You'll see this logo on your site, which will link to



Share our games and puzzles from wherever you are on the web!


This is the new PrimaryGames Feed Widget.

You can easily copy it to your website or blog. The PrimaryGames Feed
 Widget is a free, quick and easy way to stay on top of the latest games
and puzzles from New games are added every week.

Click on the button below to copy the code for your website or blog.




Or, you can use our banner. Paste the following HTML text into your page:



You'll see this banner on your site, which will link to


Or, you can use our cube banner. Paste the following HTML text into your page:



You'll see this cube on your site, which will link to


Need something a little smaller? Then use our button.
Paste the following HTML text into your page:



You'll see this logo on your site, which will link to - The fun place to learn!


If you don't want to use our logo, but would still like to link to us,
just copy and paste the following HTML text into your page:



This link will appear on your page:


Feel free to use our description:




Thanks for the link!





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