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St. Patrick's Day Jokes

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Q: What is out on the lawn all summer and is Irish?
A: Paddy O'Furniture!

Q: What do you call a fake stone in Ireland?
A: A sham rock.

Q: Why do people wear shamrocks on St. Patrick's Day?
A: Regular rocks are too heavy.

Q: Why can't you borrow money from a leprechaun?
A: Because they're always a little short.

Q: How did the Irish Jig get started?
A: Too much to drink and not enough restrooms!

Q: Why do leprechauns have pots o'gold?
A: They like to "go" first class!

Q: How can you tell if an Irishman is having a good time?
A: He's Dublin over with laughter!

Q: What would you get if you crossed Quasimodo with an Irish football player?
A: The Halfback of Notre Dame!

Q: What would you get if you crossed Christmas with St. Patrick's Day?
A: St. O'Claus!

Q: What does it mean when you find a horseshoe?
A: Some poor horse is going barefoot!

Q: Do leprechauns make good secretaries?
A: Sure, they're great at shorthand!

Q: What do leprechauns love to barbecue?
A: Short ribs!

Q: Why did the leprechaun stand on the potato?
A: To keep from falling in the stew!

Q: How did the leprechaun beat the Irishman to the pot of gold?
A: He took a shortcut!

Q: What does a leprechaun call a happy man wearing green?
A: A Jolly Green Giant!

Q: When is an Irish Potato not an Irish Potato?
A: When it's a FRENCH fry!

Q: Why are leprechauns so hard to get along with?
A: Because they're very short-tempered!

Q: Why do frogs like St. Patrick's Day?
A: Because they're always wearing green!

Q: Why do leprechauns hide behind 4-leafclovers and not 3-leafclovers?
A: They need all the luck they can get!

Q: What happens when a leprechaun falls into a river?
A: He gets wet!

Q: Knock Knock. … Who's there? … Irish. … Irish who?
A: Irish you a happy St. Patrick's Day!

Q: Why did St. Patrick drive all the snakes out of Ireland?
A: He couldn't afford plane fare.

Q: Why can't you iron a four-leaf clover?
A: Because you shouldn't press your luck!

Q: What type of bow cannot be tied?
A: A rainbow.

Q: Why did the elephant wear green sneakers?
A: Her red ones were in the wash!

Q: What do you call a diseased criminal?
A: A leper-con!

Q: Where can you always find gold?
A: In the dictionary!

Q: What do you get when you cross poison ivy with a four-leaf clover?
A: A rash of good luck.

Q: What did the leprechaun do for a living?
A: He was a short-order cook!

Q: What do you call a clumsy Irish dance?
A: A jig mistake!

Q: What is a nuahcerpel?
A: Leprechaun spelled backwards!

Q: What do you get when you do the Irish jig at McDonalds?
A: A Shamrock Shake.

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